This map shows ATTACK ORIGINS, TARGETS and their PATHS
indicates attack origin
indicates attack target
Attack origins and attack targets panels contain the following fields
Attacks count
origin/target Country flag
Country name
Attack summary panel contains the following fields
Attacks count
Attack name
Live Attack panel contains the following fields
Attack name
Origin location
Origin IP Address
Target location
Target IP Address
Initially the map shows all the attacks. While the mouse is hovering over any of the panels, when the mouse stopped on any item, that particular item in the panel gets highlighted and at the same time the corresponding path will only be shown in the map.
Single mouse click over the ATTACK ORIGINS, ATTACK TARGETS, or ATTACK SUMMARY will highlight just the attacks emanating from that country or over that country respectively. To unselect the highlighted attack, click on the corresponding attack again.
If we keep the mouse pointer on any of the attack paths then the corresponding attack details are shown on right bottom of the page
Similarly if we keep the mouse pointer on any of the bubble/flag then it will show the corresponding attack path.